
I Had a Dream

I had a dream.   Not at all like the one Martin Luther King, jr. had.  Actually, I’ve had lots of dreams.  Haven’t we all?  Missing a class.  Forgetting where the class is located.  Falling .. oh .. falling …. Showing up to work or school naked .. your teeth are...

The Me Nobody Knows

“Are you talking to me?  Are YOU talking to me?  ARE YOU talking to me?  You better be talking to me … well, I’m the only one here.  You better be talking to me.” – Robert DeNiro, Taxi Driver Do you remember when you were still in-vitro?  On come on .. you...

Miracles Happen #2

I was 21.  Footloose and fancy free.  I got my DD214 (Honorable Discharge from the US Army) and I was back to part time college at Nassau Community College. I had an old friend who invited me to share his Artist’s Loft above a movie theatre.  He was subletting for...

Miracles Happen

It’s a miracle that I earned a Graduate Degree from NYU.  And, it was a miracle I graduated from the City University of New York.  It was even more of a miracle that I graduated from Long Beach High School. I’m guessing I have some form of A.D.D.  or, A.D.H.D.  But,...

My Friend Santi

On a typical winter afternoon about 4 o’clock in Boynton Beach, Florida, I take off my Bermuda shorts, slip on a bathing suit and head for our neighborhood pool.  I walk a few hundred yards, declare a lounge chair, drop my tee shirt, phone, keys and sandals and do my...