
I Never Thought I’d Live to See the End of the World

“You don’t stop laughing because you grow older.  You grow older because you stop laughing.” I’m 72 years old (almost 73).  In teenage years that means I’m just between being less ticklish and snoring much more often).  I can walk a dog, take a nap and skip a rock on...

What’s in a Name?

A few years back I was browsing the Entertainment Section of the New York Times.  I wasn’t looking for anything specific probably because I’m such a neophyte.  I didn’t grow up in a house that played any kind music and that Music Appreciation Class in College bored me...

The Tooth Fairy

I don’t really remember many things about my very early years except … for one thing.  I distinctly remember the Tooth Fairy.  The arrangement was pretty straight forward;  You lose a tooth.  You put it under your pillow.  You find money under your pillow in the...

Great Minds

What is a great mind?  Is it a deep thinking mind from many centuries ago?  Or, a mind you met just today?  Is it great if it rattles off great puns?  Is it a great mind hidden deep inside a bum on the bowery whose mind that hit on hard times.  Do all scholars have...

My Good Friend Neil

Life has a mysterious way of matching people up. I was in Jones Beach on Long Island, sitting on the beach with friends.  It was 1969.  A guy comes along with his crowd and says, “Where should we sit?’  I looked up and said, “Sit here.” This guy’s name was Jeff.  He...