
The Tooth Fairy

I don’t really remember many things about my very early years except … for one thing.  I distinctly remember the Tooth Fairy.  The arrangement was pretty straight forward;  You lose a tooth.  You put it under your pillow.  You find money under your pillow in the...

Great Minds

What is a great mind?  Is it a deep thinking mind from many centuries ago?  Or, a mind you met just today?  Is it great if it rattles off great puns?  Is it a great mind hidden deep inside a bum on the bowery whose mind that hit on hard times.  Do all scholars have...

My Good Friend Neil

Life has a mysterious way of matching people up. I was in Jones Beach on Long Island, sitting on the beach with friends.  It was 1969.  A guy comes along with his crowd and says, “Where should we sit?’  I looked up and said, “Sit here.” This guy’s name was Jeff.  He...

31 Years in the Film Business

For some odd reason I chose to spend most of my career in the film business. I started off with a partner and we produced TV spots.  At the onset, we got lucky and landed a job from J. Walter Thompson.  They had a new client who owned a radio station in Washington,...

Silverman Productions

For a guy who spent most of his professional career in the film production business (31 years) you’d think I’d have a few opinions about movies. Well, I do and I don’t.  I know a bit about how they are made, how to cast actors, how to build sets, scout locations,...


“Hey, honey.  I think we need to go shopping at COSCO.  I need a package of pistachios and some lettuce.”  “Okay that sounds like a good idea.”  Two things.  Two minutes.  Twenty bucks.  What could go wrong?  Every time we decide to go shopping at COSCO we clean out...