

JOHN We were on our Honeymoon traveling to from Rome to Brindisi. We just finished our incredible adventure from England to France, Amsterdam, Germany, Spain and Italy. It was a two and a half month whirlwind backpack tour to see the sights and sounds and taste the...

US Postal Service Change of Address Form

To put this into perspective, my wife and I are snowbirds. We live in NY during the Spring and Summer and part of the Fall. And, we live in Florida for the Winter. Pretty simple, right? So, every year we need to inform the US Post Office of our Change of Address....

The Adventures of Noah Zark

In 1974 we acquired a Jack Russel puppy. He was a precursor to our first child. So, we really focused our attention on him. To say that he was cute would be seriously limiting his influence on us. Of course, most puppies are cute but, this one was major cute....

I Shoulda Coulda Woulda

In 1962 I was 15 years old and I got invited to a party where there were girls. What did I know about girls? They didn’t play poker. They didn’t cut grass or shovel snow. They didn’t play stick ball or stoop ball. Actually, I didn’t know anything about girls. And,...

Perfect World

I want to live in a world where you always win your Solitaire Game, where milk never goes bad, where you never have to Double knot your shoelaces, where you can always say exactly What you’re thinking, where your washing machine your washing Machine always finds your...